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Impactful New Year’s Resolutions to Avoid Family Caregiver Burnout

Suppose you’re among the 8% of Americans who achieve their New Year’s resolution goals, congratulations! But if you’re like most of us, you have given up well before even turning the calendar page to February. Although it’s admirable to attempt to improve ourselves by resolving to get rid of 10 pounds or eat much healthier, for busy family caregivers, there are truly meaningful, attainable goals that will improve life all through the year and help you avoid family caregiver burnout.

Consider these suggestions:

  • Find joy. Looking after someone else is a labor of love but can also bring about challenges that make it hard to focus on the everyday benefits of creating joy. Take some time each day to pause to find a reason to smile. Bring humor to your daily caregiving tasks to share laughter with your family member. Take pleasure in the feeling of the sunlight shining through the window as you are sorting laundry. Call a friend who lifts your spirits for a quick chat.

  • See the bigger picture. Make an effort to take one step back from the busyness of your to-do list and look at the overall impact your caregiving is making. Because of you, a senior loved one can continue living in the comfort and familiarity of home. Thanks to you, life is the absolute best it can be for a senior loved one. Your contribution is priceless and it is making a big difference.

  • Compartmentalize. It’s exceedingly important to make mental health a top priority. One effective way to handle the many responsibilities associated with providing care is to be totally focused on the present. Picturing different rooms for different concerns can be helpful; so, in case you begin to be concerned about an impending surgical treatment the senior is facing as you’re watching a movie together with your kids, think about setting that concern in its appropriate room until later, and paying attention to today.

  • Be kind to yourself. It’s not hard to succumb to a pattern of wishing you could do more for a senior loved one or worrying about errors you’ve made that you want to you could change. Remind yourself you are human and that you are accomplishing worthwhile work for the senior you love. Acknowledge the sacrifices you’re making like you would acknowledge and appreciate them in another family caregiver.

Seek – and accept – help and support. Wanting to be a superhero who manages everything independently can very quickly lead to burnout and depression. Working with other people to assist your parent is the best approach to ensure their needs are thoroughly met while helping you realize the healthy life balance you need and are entitled to.

Modern Health Home Care is the ideal partner for family caregivers, delivering highly-skilled, professional, and compassionate caregivers in Philadelphia and the surrounding counties depend on for senior loved ones. Allow us to help you prevent family caregiver burnout! Contact us online or give us a call at 215.995.2012 and together, we can develop a plan of care to make 2023 the most incredible year yet – both for the senior in your care and yourself.

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