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How to Discuss a Potential Dementia Diagnosis with a Doctor

Anxiety. Embarrassment. Fear. The feelings associated with a potential dementia diagnosis can cause seniors to keep their suspicions to themselves. However, a newly released AARP survey peeled away a few layers of emotion to get to the root cause: worry over losing independence and becoming a problem to others.

While there may be some validity to these concerns, some misconceptions fuel them. For example, roughly 1/2 of the participants, who were adults aged 40 and over, believed they were likely to get dementia as they grew older. However, the reality is that just over 10% of adults over age 65 are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

Because of this, older adults need to communicate with their physicians for the practical, straightforward information they want – especially if they or a loved one notice any warning signs of dementia, such as the following:

  • Memory decline that is disruptive to daily life

  • Planning or problem-solving issues

  • Difficulties with completing once-familiar daily tasks

  • Disorientation and confusion about time and place

  • Vision issues and problems determining color/contrast and judging distance

  • Writing/speaking changes

  • Losing items and leaving them in unusual spots

  • A decline in judgment

  • Social withdrawal

  • Personality/mood changes

Below are a few suggestions to manage any reluctance in communicating with the physician about a potential dementia diagnosis and how to help make the conversation as productive as you possibly can.

  • Don’t put it off. Sometimes, it feels easier to avoid bringing up something that could potentially be so life changing. However, time is of the essence in obtaining a correct diagnosis and the most effective treatment.

  • Bring a buddy. It’s comforting to have the support of a dependable friend, family member, or caregiver at the appointment. If at all possible, this person can offer further information to the physician and any concerns they have noticed from their perspective.

  • Make comparisons to then and now. Share with the physician the specific changes that are causing concern. For instance, the senior may be a retired math teacher who, up until last month, did not need to think twice about balancing the checkbook, but lately is experiencing some confusion with the task.

The doctor can review prescription medications to see if any side effects are causing a problem and then schedule assessments and tests to discover the best course of action.

Modern Health Home Care s’ kind and friendly caregiving companions are always available to provide Alzheimer’s help in Philadelphia and the surrounding counties. We can accompany older adults to medical appointments and help make life more manageable in a variety of other ways as well. Contact us online or call us at 215.995.2012 to get more details.

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